The problem was that, to some, it seemed to say that Santa didn’t exist. It generated headlines like this in The Sun : In case you can’t recall, here is the advert in question:
Should I talk about how social media can predict the must-have Christmas toy or gadget? How it can monitor, inform and be used to alter Christmas campaigns? Or perhaps how it can be used to understand and resolve frustrations over gifts and services? Ultimately, as a father of 4 young children, I felt obliged to answer a much more emotive question: how much did we hate last year’s Littlewoods “lovely, lovely muvver” ad? More pressing for me was what to present.
I know what you’re thinking (I thought the same): marketeers are promoting Christmas earlier every year, but surely July is going too far! Don’t worry, we’re not going to see Christmas decorations anytime soon, but as the clever people at Greenlight know, marketeers start planning for Christmas in Q3 and so it is a good time to have the conference. Last week, I attended Greenlight’s July Christmas Conference.